Por Francisco Leocádio
(English version at the end)
(English version at the end)
Para Fred Lynch a reportagem é recolher algo a partir da observação, trazendo de volta e se reportando por meio de imagens. Ou seria, como se fôssemos a algum lugar e trouxéssemos de volta e mostrássemos a alguém. Os urban Sketchers fazem isso a toda a hora. (LYNCH, 2021).[1]
Desenho de uma trocadora, entre 2014 e 2016 A bus collector, sketch done between 2014 and 2016. |
pela cidade e registrar sua vida, seus personagens, é , dentre tantas possibilidades das práticas do urban sketching, uma das mais
interessantes . Ao mesmo tempo, é um desafio, e no caso dos desenhos que são
apresentados aqui, captados no interior dos ônibus da cidade do Rio de Janeiro,
a aventura é maior. Dominar o traço e o caderno no sacolejo do coletivo é ter
muito desapego à linha reta. Mas ao
mesmo tempo é fascinante poder captar os tipos que entram e saem do coletivo, especulando
em silêncio qual seu destino final a partir de suas roupas, seu olhar, com quem
estão acompanhadas, e o que carregam nos braços.
ônibus do Rio de Janeiro é uma prova de que há sempre diversas cidades numa
cidade só. Diferentes personagens que sentam lado a lado e seguem seus
itinerários. Nas diversas viagens que eu costumava fazer no trajeto casa x
trabalho comecei a desenhar para passar o tempo. Dentre os temas pelos quais me
interessava, a figura do trocador passou a ser uma constante. A escolha acontecia por dois motivos simples
mas essenciais para o registro. Primeiro porque era a figura que estava no meu
campo de visão, já que sempre procurei sentar mais à frente do veículo. Depois,
era o elemento que me acompanhava por mais tempo em toda viagem, claro, além do
motorista. Assim, o trocador passou a figurar de modo constante em meus
cadernos de desenho. Essa situação durou
alguns anos, até a chegada do metrô no meu trajeto da casa para o trabalho.
figura do trocador, já há algum tempo, desapareceu de praticamente todos os coletivos
cariocas e de diversas outras cidades do país. O surgimento do sistema de
bilhete pré-pago fez com que a profissão fosse ficando no passado. Isso me fez
lembrar de um depoimento da urban
sketcher norte americana Veronica Lawlor, que afirma que muitas vezes
desenhamos sem saber se aquele registro pode vir a ser um testemunho histórico (LAWLOR,
2021). Então, é isso, meu testemunho gráfico pode vir a ser de utilidade contar
atividades que correm o risco de ficarem esquecidas, sem que tivesse a menor
intenção quando desenhei movido por um sentimento ambíguo de interesse na figura
do trocador e tédio do trajeto.´
Na sequência de desenhos
escolhidos para esta postagem pode-se ver uns mais tremidos que outros, influenciados
pelas condições do trânsito e da habilidade do motorista na direção, Na época
ainda não me aventurava em usar a aquarela em qualquer situação, então fazia
uso exclusivamente de lápis, lápis de cor e caneta esferográfica. Desenhos
monocromáticos e com pouca variação tonal também expressam a urgência da
documentação. Sempre buscava começar e terminar no próprio ônibus, antes de
chegar no meu ponto de descida.
Outro aspecto que se se
verifica neste conjunto de desenhos feitos entre 2014, 2015 e 2016, é que os
registros são de momentos de pouco movimento de passageiros, em que os
trocadores estão em poses mais relaxadas, virados de lado para sua mesa de e
gavetas de troco, alguns até mesmo entediados. Aliás, como mencionei acima, eu
também estava entediado. Mas como começava por esses anos a perder um pouco a
vergonha de sacar meu caderno desenho em qualquer situação, eu conseguia
desenhando a me ocupar enquanto não chegava ao meu destino, o trabalho. Enfim,
estes desenhos são a impressão não apenas das folclóricas figuras dos
trocadores e trocadoras mas também de um momento da minha vida. Momento esse em
que longos deslocamentos na cidade faziam parte da rotina. Confesso que não
tenho saudades, prefiro que sejam apenas testemunhos históricos.
wander through the city and register its life, its characters, is, among so
many possibilities of urban sketching practices, one of the most interesting.
At the same time, it is a challenge, and in the case of the drawings presented
here, captured inside the buses in the city of Rio de Janeiro, the adventure is
greater. To master the line and the notebook in the sway of the bus is to have
a lot of detachment from the straight line.
But at the same time it is fascinating to be able to capture the guys
that get on and off the bus, silently speculating about their final destination
based on their clothes, the way they look, who they are with, and what they are
carrying in their arms.
Rio de Janeiro bus is proof that there are always several cities in one city.
Different characters that sit side by side and follow their itineraries. During
the several trips I used to make from home to work, I started to draw in order
to pass the time. Among the themes I was interested in, the figure of the
exchanger (or bus collector) became a constant. The choice
happened for two simple but essential reasons. First, because it was the figure
that was in my field of vision, since I always tried to sit in the front of the
vehicle. Second, it was the element that accompanied me for the longest time
during every trip, of course, besides the driver. Thus, the exchanger started
to figure constantly in my sketchbooks.
This situation lasted a few years, until the arrival of the subway on my
commute to work.
some time now, the figure of the exchanger/ bus collector has disappeared from practically all
public buses in Rio de Janeiro and from many other cities in the country. The
emergence of the prepaid ticket system made the profession a thing of the past.
This reminded me of a statement by the North American urban sketcher Veronica
Lawlor, who says that many times we draw without knowing if that record can
become a historical testimony (LAWLOR, 2021). So, that's it, my graphic
testimony may come in handy to tell activities that run the risk of being
forgotten, without having the slightest intention when I drew moved by an
ambiguous feeling of interest in the figure of the exchanger/bus collector and boredom of the
the sequence of drawings chosen for this post you can see some more shaky than
others, influenced by traffic conditions and the driver's driving skills.
Monochromatic drawings with little tonal variation also express the urgency of
the documentation. I always tried to start and finish on the bus itself, before
arriving at my drop-off point.
Another aspect that comes across in this set of
drawings made between 2014, 2015 and 2016, is that the records are of moments
of little passenger movement, in which the bus collectors are in more relaxed poses,
facing sideways to their change desk and drawers, some even bored. In fact, as
I mentioned above, I was bored too. But as I was beginning by these years to
lose a bit of shame in pulling out my sketchbook in any situation, I managed by
drawing to occupy myself while not getting to my destination, work. Anyway,
these drawings are the impression not only of the folkloric figures of the men
and women bus collectors, but also of a moment in my life. A time when long commutes
in the city were part of the routine. I confess that I don't miss them, I
prefer them to be only historical testimonies.
Veronica. USkTalks S2E2 - What is
Reportage?. Palestra on-line proferida no canal Urban Sketchers no Youtube
em 24 de jan. de 2021. Em: Acesso em 15 ago 2021.
LYNCH, Fred.. USkTalks S2E2 - What is Reportage?. Palestra on-line proferida no canal Urban Sketchers no Youtube em 24 de jan. de 2021. Em: Acesso em 15 ago 2021.
[1] Em tradução livre para:
For Fred
Lynch[1] reportage is collecting something from
observation, bringing it back and explaining with pictures. Or even is going to
somewhere, bringing it back and showing it to someone. Urban
sketchers do it all the time. (LYNCH, 2021).
Fred Lynch é professor de Ilustração
na (RISD) Rhode Island School of Design em Providence, Rhode Island. Foi
durante muito tempo professor e chefe de departamento no Montserrat College of
Art, e continua a ensinar para o seu Programa de Estudos de Verão em Itália. Fonte: Disponível em :
Acessado em 15 de agosto de 2021.
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ResponderExcluirসামাজিক মাধ্যমে, প্রোফাইল পিক হল আপনার ব্যক্তিত্ব এবং আত্ম-প্রকাশের একটি গুরুত্বপূর্ণ উপাদান। একটি ভালো প্রোফাইল পিক আপনাকে অন্যদের কাছে আকর্ষণীয় এবং স্মৃতিচারী করে তুলতে পারে। ছেলেদের জন্য, একটি ভাল প্রোফাইল পিক একটি দুর্দান্ত উপায় হতে পারে আপনার ব্যক্তিত্ব এবং শৈলী প্রদর্শন করার জন্য।
ResponderExcluirছেলেদের প্রোফাইল পিক নির্বাচন করার সময় বিবেচনা করার জন্য এখানে কয়েকটি বিষয় রয়েছে:
আপনার ব্যক্তিত্ব এবং শৈলী প্রতিফলিত করে এমন একটি পিক বেছে নিন। আপনি যদি একজন হালকা-হৃদয়ের এবং মজাদার ব্যক্তি হন, তাহলে একটি হাস্যময় বা ক্যাজুয়াল পিক একটি ভাল পছন্দ হতে পারে। আপনি যদি একজন আরও গুরুতর এবং পরিশীলিত ব্যক্তি হন, তাহলে একটি আরও আনুষ্ঠানিক বা ফ্যাশনেবল পিক একটি ভাল পছন্দ হতে পারে।
আপনার চেহারা এবং শরীরের ধরনকে উপযুক্ত করে এমন একটি পিক বেছে নিন। আপনার যদি সুন্দর হাসি থাকে, তাহলে একটি হাসিমুখে একটি পিক একটি ভাল পছন্দ হতে পারে। আপনি যদি একটি সুন্দর শরীরের আকার থাকেন, তাহলে একটি ফিট-আউট পিক একটি ভাল পছন্দ হতে পারে।
ভালো আলোতে একটি পিক নিন। একটি ভাল আলো আপনাকে আপনার সেরা দেখায়।
আপনার চোখের যোগাযোগ করুন। চোখের যোগাযোগ একটি শক্তিশালী যোগাযোগের সরঞ্জাম।
আপনার পটভূমি পরিষ্কার এবং আকর্ষণীয় করুন। একটি বিশৃঙ্খল বা অদ্ভুত পটভূমি আপনার মনোযোগকে বিভ্রান্ত করতে পারে।
Efficiency and dependability should come first in a well-planned bus-based city. This entails the development of designated bus lanes, priority for transit signals, and effective BRT systems. Gaining commuters' trust requires ensuring that buses operate on time and offer dependable service. Accessibility and Inclusivity: The accessibility of bus-based transportation is one of its main benefits. It is essential that the city's bus system be built to accommodate those who are elderly, have special needs, or have families with strollers. This features accessible bus stops, low-floor buses, and thorough informational systems. Divorce Lawyers Fairfax VA | Divorce Attorneys Fairfax VA
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ResponderExcluirআমরা সবাই বাচ্চাদের পছন্দ করে থাকি। আপনিও যদি বাচ্চাদের পছন্দ করে থাকে তাহলে আপনি কিছু বাচ্চাদের পিকচার দেখে আসতে পারেন। আমরা অনেক কিউট বাচ্চাদের পিকচার এখানে দেওয়ার চেষ্টা করেছি। ধন্যবাদ।
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